Home Curriculum Vitae Pathophysiognomics Courses Books Press


Dr. Hans-Peter Studer

Natale Ferronato

Ein Vermächtnis für die Zukunft der Heilkunde (German)

CH-9037 Speicherschwendi
First edition 2016
181 pages with 21 pictures, hardcover
ISBN 978-3-907-504-08-6
The book is availabe in bookshops or directly from the editor
CHF 31.80 € 29.90 (no shipping charges for CH, D, A, FL)

An idea for a present: Against a small supplement of CHF 5.50 or € 5.00 this book can be aquired in a personalized version. In this case, a page is added before binding which you can create yourself with a text and/or a picture or a logo.

On November 23, 2016, the newspaper St. Galler Nachrichten published an interview with Dr. Studer concerning his book. Here is the article:
Diagnose aus dem Gesicht heraus (pdf-article in German)

Another comment was written by Christian Vogel, board member of the Naturopathic Association Switzerland:
Natale Ferronatos Vermächtnis (pdf-article in German)

Also the St. Galler Tagblatt wrote about Natale Ferronato and Dr. Studer's book (December 28, 2016):
Gesichter lügen nicht (pdf-article in German)

Finally, a book review from the magazine Schweizer Hausapotheke:
Heilen im Einklang mit der Natur (pdf-article in German)

Natale Ferronato discusses with Günter Baumgart

Mit Zauberei hat das nichts zu tun

A long conversation with the Swiss naturopathic doctor Natale Ferronato

Edition Armin Koch / fachportal24.de
First edition 2014
CHF 20.00 (plus mailing expenses)

You can order this book at the following address:

Mrs. Maryse Ferronato
Au 13
CH - 5420 Ehrendingen

Phone: 0041 (0)56 222 61 51
E-Mail: m.n.ferronato@gmail.com

Natale Ferronato

Praxis der Pathophysiognomik

Textbook and Picture Atlas of the Symptoms of IIlness in the Face

With the collaboration of A. Halstenberg
Introduction of W. Castrian

3rd, revised edition 2014
80 pages, 77 pictures, 1 table, paperback
ISBN: 978-3-8304-7686-3
EUR (D) 39.99 / EUR (A) 41.20
CHF 56.00

The editor writes about this book:
Pathophysiognomics are an important help for diagnosis: Changes visible in the face may give an early indication about possible health problems. With the help of pathophysiognomics, therapists recognize illness signs at an early stage and keep track of the development of therapies the signs of which are directly detectable in the face.
The present book, text book and picture atlas at the same time, contains the life's work of the well known Swiss naturopathic doctor Natale Ferronato whose name is synonymous for pathophysiognomics. He created the name and continuously checked the presented pathophysiognomic signs over the last 40 years.
The only book covering the topic pathophysiognomics; from the founder of the method.

You can buy this book in bookshops or order it directly from the editor under the following link:


MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart
GmbH & Co. KG
Oswald-Hesse-Straße 50
D-70469 Stuttgart

3rd revised edition 2014

1st edition 2008, out of print

Natale Ferronato

La Pathophysiognomonie

Atlas du visage sous l'angle des symptomes spécifiques des organes et des fonctions malades

First edition 1992, enlarged edition 1995
ISBN: 3-9520177-3-6
CHF 30.00 (plus mailing expenses)

You can order this book at the following address:

Mrs. Maryse Ferronato
Au 13
CH - 5420 Ehrendingen

Phone: 0041 (0)56 222 61 51
E-Mail: m.n.ferronato@gmail.com

Further authors active in the area of face diagnosis refer to the pictures and descriptions in Ferronato's books, e.g. Wilma Castrian (Lehrbuch der Psycho-Physiognomik), Manfred Müller (Das Gesicht als Spiegel der Gesundheit) and Myriam Pickel (Die Weisheit aus dem Bauch)

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